Thursday, April 26, 2007


(Via Atrios)

Digby has a great post about the sociology and ideology of our national reporters and pundits. I especially liked this line: "...Versailles on the Potomac, like all imperial cities filled with power and intrigue, is thoroughly worldly and certainly vastly wealthy. At least the media cognoscenti are."

Much like Pres. Fredo, the elite media live in a Bubble by the Potomac.

Digby links to good posts by David Sirota and Jane Hamsher on this issue of our pampered lapdog media.

These posts are all due to the great documentary by Bill Moyers, "Buying the War".

UPDATE: Glenn Greenwald also has a great post about the malfeasance of the elite press. Here's just one of his penetrating observations:
The fraud that was manufactured by our government officials and endorsed by our media establishment is one of the great political crimes of the last many decades. Yet those who are responsible for it have not been held accountable in the slightest. Quite the contrary, their media prominence -- as Moyers demonstrates -- has only increased, as culpable propagandists and warmongers such as Charles Krauthammer (now of Time and The Washington Post), Bill Kristol (now of Time), Jonah Goldberg (now of The Los Angeles Times, Peter Beinert (now of Time and The Washington Post), and Tom Friedman (revered by media stars everywhere) have all seen their profiles enhanced greatly in our national media.

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