Tuesday, April 24, 2007


No matter what the facts on the ground are, the wingnuts still won't stop claiming that things are looking up in Iraq.

From the National Review
April 23, 2007 6:00 AM
Baghdad Calling
U.S. troops make the case for courage.
By W. Thomas Smith Jr.

Evidence That We’re Winning

First, ... the U.S. military does have a sound plan for victory that is being implemented. ... The U.S. plan is based on developing the Iraqi military and police forces to a point that they can independently assume most extra-national defense and all intranational defense/security operations in that country.

Second, the enemy — including the Iraqi insurgents and al Qaeda terrorists — is progressively splintering into smaller sub-groups.

Third, an increasing number of Iraqi civilians are providing the U.S. military and Iraqi security forces with information about the enemy that is being processed into solid intelligence.

Fourth, Coalition forces are increasingly “driving a wedge” between the insurgents and the general population.

And lastly, ... General David Petraeus’s strategy ... kill, capture, or run the enemy out; bring in some infrastructure for the community ...but never completely leave.

These 5 points are simply delusional.

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