Monday, April 02, 2007


I sent an e-mail to a military media person about Petraeus & the GOP senators and this is the reply I got:

Mr. J. ,
I do not have that information. Please contact the U.S. Legislative Liaison Office in Washington D.C. with your query. They may be able to help you.

LTC Aberle

LTC Josslyn L. Aberle
Chief, Media Operations Division
Public Affairs Office Multi-National Corps-Iraq
DSN (military land line): 318-822-2324; Commercial from the U.S.: (703)343-8999 then dial 822-2324; VOIP: 243-4347Iraqna (mobile): 0790-192-7471; Iraqna from the U.S.:011-964-790-192-7471

-----Original Message-----
From: steven j [] Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 4:15 AMTo: Aberle Josslyn L LTC MNC-I PAO Chief Media Relations
Subject: Gen. Petraeus and the Senate GOP caucus

Dear Col. Aberle, I recently learned that Gen. Petraeus had a private meeting with the Senate GOP caucus.
Would you please let me know:
1) Is this true?
2) Is there a transcript?

Thank you, Steven J.
Tucson, AZ


Googling led me to this site:

The Office, Chief of Legislative Liason

From the Office's Mission Statement:

The Office, Chief of Legislative Liaison (OCLL) is directly responsible to the Secretary of the Army and responds to the Office of the Chief of Staff when required. OCLL is the sole directive agency for Department of the Army Congressional Affairs.

It acts as a point of contact for the Department of the Army with Members of Congress, their staffs, and all relevant committees.


Anonymous said...

Sir, Ms. Mitchell misspoke about the caucus, we have contacted her and she agreed and will be making a correction to her statement.

The video teleconference Gen Petraeus participated in was for a bi-partisan group of congressmen arranged by the Defense Department Legislative Affairs office.

The office cited (OCLL) is the Army equivalent of the DOD office.

LTC Joseph Yoswa
Deputy, Public Affairs Officer
Commanding General
Multi-National Force - Iraq

Steve J. said...

Dear LTC Yoswa,

Thank you very much for taking the time to straighten this out.

Steve J.