Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Raw Story has the video clip of Richard Perle, an arch neo-con, on Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer, denying that Iraq is a mistake.

Here's the transcript:

BLITZER: Knowing what you know right now, was this war, the invasion back in March of 2003, a mistake?

PERLE: No, I don't believe it was a mistake.


BLITZER: So you're still convinced that there was a direct connection between Saddam Hussein and the Al Qaida of Osama bin Laden?

PERLE: There was a direct connection and there were other connections with terrorists. The point...


BLITZER: But there was really no serious or substantive planning for what happened next. PERLE: No, there was a great deal of planning.
BLITZER: But they ignored it.
PERLE: No, they didn't ignore it. There was planning that contemplated every conceivable mishap. Things don't always work out the way you want them to work out. And some decisions were made that didn't...

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