Sunday, April 08, 2007


I've known about Hannity and Limbaugh being college dropouts and today I learn (Via Fox NewsHounds) that Mark Steyn, another prominent wingnut, didn't even finish high school. It's therefore not surprising that this wizard has made profoundly ignorant comments:

Weeks after the invasion of Iraq he assured his readers that there would be "no widespread resentment at or resistance of the western military presence"; in December 2003 he wrote that "another six weeks of insurgency sounds about right, after which it will peter out"; and the following March he insisted that: "I don't think it's possible for anyone who looks at Iraq honestly to see it as anything other than a success story."

Here's a suitable caustic review of Steyn's demographic terror book and what I think is its best line:

...Steyn's way with evidence: the extremely atypical is presented as universal, and the urban myth is presented as damning fact.

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