Thursday, April 12, 2007


You can call them BusBots, wingnut, neo-cons or movement conservatives but one fact remains clear: They don't have a fucking clue. Take this pristine example of non-thinking from Dean Barnett on Huge Ego Hewitt's blog:
If free elections were held in Jordan, the diminutive Hashemite, King Abdullah, would not win. The Jordanian people (who are 70% Palestinian) would almost surely elevate a Hamas-like entity to power. What would happen elsewhere in the region if free elections were held? In Egypt, the radical Muslim Brotherhood sect would almost certainly supplant Hosni Mubarak. In Saudi Arabia, a Wahabbist sect sympathetic to Osama bin Laden would enjoy a victory that would send the House of Saud hurtling to history’s ashbin.

Now let's recall the last remaining justification for the Iraq Fiasco: we are creating a Democracy in the Middle East which will give the peoples in the MidEast hope that they can also have a democracy and democracy will innoculate the region against radicalization. As we can see above, even a wingnut grasps that fact that a democracy will lead to greater radicalization. Of course, this grotesque error leads to other, equally bizarre judgments, like this, also from Barnett:

The honor of being the region’s brightest long-term hope belongs to Iraq. As we’ve seen, the populace’s hunger to join the community of nations and do civilized things like recognize Israel’s right to exist has been less than overwhelming. Nevertheless, we’re right to be making a stand in Iraq. It was the logical place to start what will likely be a very long, bloody and protracted struggle.

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