Friday, May 25, 2007


Bill "Slots" Bennett was on Huge Ego Hewitt's show pushing his mediocre American history book and these two "intellectuals" turned to a brief discussion of the 60s-70s.:

HH: Bill, I want to go to something you wrote about the 70’s, a time of enormous war, and political scandal, and cultural meltdown, that despite all the drama, you wrote that it was a profoundly unserious time. Here we are in the first decade of the new millennium. We’ve got a war, we’ve got cultural meltdown, we have incredibly difficult…it’s also an unserious time. Are the 70’s just replaying themselves in your mind right now?

BB: I haven’t thought that yet. It’s possible they are. I was, you know, in the 70’s, let’s see, I was 25, 28. I was very worried about the country in the late 60’s and early 70’s. I really thought we were melting down. I don’t think we’re melting down now. I think we’re in disagreement, but I think something has been secured in the republic, in the regime, and it was secured in the 80’s by Reagan, and by a lot of Americans stepping up and stepping forward, and saying we’re going to reclaim our country. So I don’t have…yes, things are very serious, but I do not see the questioning of everything…remember the bumper sticker, question authority, question everything, question everybody, don’t trust anybody. There are some limits, now, it seems to me. There are some guard rails. People understand some things about America, they understand some things. Even the hesitation…look at the hesitation, Hugh, to criticize the military. You notice how careful these Democrats are as they’re talking about it?

Yup, America is stronger when we don't question anything, especially the military. I don't think Pat Tillman's family or Jessica Lynch feels that way about the military. No wonder political conservatives love the barbaric religious right.

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