Friday, May 18, 2007


And they are also a real problem for the GOP. Mitt Romney is another candidate who got basically a thumbs down from a leader of the Southern Baptists:

Larry King Live; May 14, 2007

Reverend Albert Mohler, Jr. president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

KING: Reverend Mohler, does -- does Romney's Mormon faith bother you?

MOHLER: Oh, it does, certainly concern me, as an Evangelical Christian.

KING: Why?

MOHLER: ... as an Evangelical Christian. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't vote for him under the right political circumstances and in the right context. I have to answer first as a Christian and say I believe Mormonism is a false that is antithetical to historic orthodox Christianity. But, at the same time, I'm not electing a theologian. I'm looking at electing a president, and I will have to consider all of those things in the context of what -- what a candidate represents. If -- if, for instance, Governor Romney is going to be a serious candidate for president -- and it certainly appears that he is -- he needs to speak very openly about what his Mormonism will mean for his candidacy...

KING: But..
MOHLER: ... and we'll just take that into honest consideration.

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