Saturday, May 26, 2007


Ok, maybe QandO isn't a blog by libertarians but the lying whore part is correct. Someone, probably Atrios, linked to a presumptuous post:

Questions for Our Liberal Friends Posted by: Dale Franks

In it, there are a lot of questions that read like Sean Hannity wrote them:

And let's dispense with silly arguments about whether we should've gone into Iraq in the first place. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. We are there. So what do we do now?

This is a shameful attempt to avoid all discussion of what went wroong, what can be done to prevent such disasters in the future (HINT: no more GOP presidents), and who is morally responsible, from major roles (Cheney) to pundit war whores (Bill Kristol).

I'm not a priori opposed to punitive expeditions myself when it appears necessary, but punitive expeditions have never been a liberal "thing".

This jackass forgets that over 80% of self-identified liberals supported going after Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Finally, the post ends with a great piece of wingnuttery:

...keep in mind that you are essentially betting the future of left-liberalism's credibility on national security on the outcome of that policy. There's a reason why the Democrats were kept away from the national security switches and levers for 12 years after Jimmy Carter,

Yup, heads the GOP wins, tails the Liberals lose. Nice game for MORONS.

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