Thursday, May 31, 2007


Greg Palast has gotten some 500 e-mails meant for the White House that show a massive campaign to disenfranchise likely Democratic voters. From an interview Palast had with Jeff Diehl:

Caging works like this. Hundreds of thousands of Black and Hispanic voters were sent letters — do not forward. Letters returned as undeliverable (”caged”) were used as evidence the voter didn’t live at their registered address. The GOP goons challenged these voters’ right to cast ballots — and their votes were lost.

But whose letters were caged? Here’s where the game turns to deep evil. They targeted Black students on vacation, homeless men — and you’ll love this — Black soldiers sent overseas. They weren’t living at their home voting address because they were shivering under a Humvee in Falluja.


You can read some of the e-mails here.

Here's a relevant one:

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Carr's Blackberry []
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 5:57 PM
To: Rich Beeson []; Cary Evans []; Scott Stewart []; Goose;;
Subject: Fw: douglas county voter confirmation

This is actually from carson and douglas

-----Original Message-----
From: "Christopher M. Jaarda" []
Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004 12:54:38
Subject: douglas county voter confirmation


Attached is the excel document with the returned mail from Douglas County.

Chris Jaarda

Chris Carr
702-258-9182 p
702-258-9186 f
ATTACHMENT: Douglas County Voter Fraud Master Spreadsheet.xls

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