Friday, June 22, 2007


Sen. Inhofe was on Insannity's show for a few minutes and told what he heard Senators Boxer and Clinton discuss 3 YEARS AGO. Breitbart has an audio clip of Inhofe talking to John Ziegler, another radio wingnut, about this incident. Jake Tapper of ABC has more about this and includes this tidbit:

AFTERNOON UPDATE: Even though Inhofe prefaced this story by saying "I was going over to vote the other day," the Oklahoman this afternoon told Fox News' Neil Cavuto that this alleged conversation took place "about three years ago."

As I write, there are 627 comments on Tapper's piece on ABC and I made a few of them because I wanted to correct some of the more egregious mistakes ("Unemployment under Bush- Historic Lows") made by the wingnuts.

Inhofe also claimed to Hannity that FAUX News and talk radio are "telling the truth" about Iraq and that helps our soldiers.

This bit of "news" from Inhofe fit right in with Hannity's rants the last couple of days about the Fairness Doctrine. In Hannity's mind, extremist talk radio is "the view of the people in this country" and has become "the voice of the people." He went on to praise extremist radio because "we in talk radio do not ignore the facts" and are an "outspoken force for truth." Yesterday and today he told his listeners that extremist talk radio may "need your assistance" to fight any change in the dynamics of talk radio.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Inhofe just should of said it happened a few years ago.

The people advocating this are fascist garbage. Kucinich, Boxer and the PIAPS? DhimmicRATS don't surprise me, but Trent Lott? He is a shameful disgrace.

The truth is that the phony and failing so-called liberal and progressive agenda is a sham and more people are waking up to it. The Left has a very weak argument that comes across even worse on the radio, and people just end up changing the channel.

Also, conservative talk on radio and cable always addresses and discusses so-called progressive ideology so they can logically show how inferior and flawed it is.

No one is stopping George Soros from pumping millions into a money-losing Air America and keeping it going forever. But it is just such a bad business model that apparently even Leftie Moonbat Soros can't stand donating endless drops of his bucket to it.

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
CONTROL the media

socialists as dangerous
should never be exposed