Monday, June 25, 2007


This evening I caught a tiny bit of Michael Savage and was shocked to hear him claim that Haditha wasn't a massacre done by Marines and he directed his listeners to this blog post:
TIME and Haditha Lies by Michael Kraft. (For the DoD account, go here) The post is full of unsourced assertions, such as "the cab carrying four known insurgents" and outright false claims, such as:

According to McGirk’s first story, a “budding journalism student” had given him a video he had taken after the killing of the civilians in the houses near the site of the IED explosion. Almost immediately, Time had to correct the story, revealing that the “budding journalism student” was actually 43-year-old Taher Thabet al-Hadithi who just happened to be on hand to videotape the aftermath of the killing in the houses.

There was no correction by TIME simply because TIME had nothing to correct. TIME wrote this in JUNE1, months after breaking the story in MARCH:
“The same day, Haditha journalism student Taher Thabet videotapes the scene at the homes where the killings had occurred and at the local morgue”
About halfway through the piece, I came across this phrase, "NewsMax can now reveal" and I knew I was reading hard-core agit-prop from the crazies. The TIME reporter also comes in for a smear:
This, incidentally is the same McGirk who partied with the murderous Taliban after 9/11 and proclaimed them to be a fine upstanding bunch of just plain folks.
The whole piece draws the now standard response from one of the wingnut commenters:
Mark Stobie on June 25th, 2007 7:02 pm
McGirk should be tried for Treason!
June 12, 2006
U.S. Edition
SECTION: SPECIAL REPORT; Pg. 26 Vol. 167 No. 24
LENGTH: 3628 words
HEADLINE: The Ghosts Of Haditha;
What happened one November morning in a dusty Iraqi town threatens to become one of the war's major debacles, an alleged atrocity committed by a small group of Marines that promises to haunt the hearts and minds of liberator and liberated alike
BYLINE: Michael Duffy; Tim McGirk; Aparism Ghosh; With reporting by Christopher Allbritton/Baghdad; Adam Pitluk/El Paso; Jeremy Caplan; Romesh Ratnesar; Nathan; Thornburgh/New York; Brian Bennett; James Carney; Sally B.; Donnelly; Mark Thompson; Douglas Waller/Washington

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