Tuesday, June 05, 2007


The Smoking Gun has the letters of support written for Scooter Libby. Here are just a few excerpts.

Henry Kissinger: He is a man of strong views, some of which I do not share. ... Having served in the White House and under pressure, I have seen how difficult it sometimes is to recall precisely a particular sequence of events. This does not justify the action, but it may help you consider mitigating circumstances.

Paul Wolfowitz: Mr. Libby played an influential role...in developing policy and strategy...for wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. ... he was a strong advocate for a more rapid build-up of the Iraqi army and a more rapid transfer of sovereignty to the Iraqis, points on which history will prove him to have been prescient. [Wolfowitz goes on to note how concerned Libby became with the threat of biological terrorism, something that was also a big concern of Judith Miller]

John Bolton: With classified information, it was frequently hard to know who was cleared to see what or what could be discussed with whom. [Sounds like more GOP incompetence]

Alan K. Simpson: ...I found a singular attribute which will always remain undiminished in my mind. That is the attribute of Loyalty- unswerving, unselfish, unwavering loyalty. One could almost superimpose upon his brow the accolade "The Good Soldier." ...I observed on many occasions how Dick [Cheney] relied on this man.

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