Thursday, June 14, 2007


The Hive is buzzing! I'm sure the Talk Radio Republicans are sorry this happened on a Thursday instead of a Monday because they won't be able to get as much bloviating out of it.

First, though, let's find out what Sen. Reid actually said on the conference call. From Bob Geiger:

I was on that call.


Reid was talking informally about George W. Bush's refusal to dump Alberto Gonzales and told us what he said to Pace in a private meeting before Bush tossed aside the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff like a rotting
fish. Here's exactly what Reid said:

"I guess the president, uh, he's gotten rid of Pace because he could not get him confirmed here in the Senate… Pace is also a yes-man for the president and I told him to his face, I laid it out to him last time he came to see me, I told him what an incompetent man I thought he was."

A whackjob named Uncle Jimbo spews this at BlackFive:

Harry Reid needs to hush his drooling cakehole, period. ... Woudn't you just love for Reid, Petraeus and Pace to meet up in a Men's room and have the two Men give him a swirly prior to reminding him that he's not allowed up on the porch with the big dogs?

haystack at RedState informs us that:

See, here's the thing. Harry Reid is a punk. ... [dreamy eyed and wistful] What I would give to put Harry out in the woods with a couple Marines, and watch them "talk to Harry" for a while about his opinions on where things are with the war in Iraq, and how well their brothers and sisters are doing as they get after the fight.

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