Monday, July 09, 2007


I thought that as the GOP slowly sinks into the mire of Iraq, the Talk Radio Republicans audience would be pared down to the real lunatics. A couple of weeks ago, Fats had a caller who claimed that the former Soviet Union has taken over the Democratic Party and the news media. The idiot also mentioned that George Soros played a part. I didn't get the transcript from that day but I do have something also as good from today (7/9/07):

RUSH: Debbie in Riverside, Alabama, glad you waited. You're up next on the EIB Network.

CALLER: Hello, Rush. To the man that runs the country, I am so happy to be speaking with you today.

RUSH: Thank you. It's great to have you here.

CALLER: Thank you very much. I told your screener, I am so sick of listening to so-called Democrats lying to the American people every day, Rush, and I believe it's time. It's just time for everyone to demand that these people explain to the American people why they are socialists, why they are against freedom, democracy and capitalism.

Fats also said that "you're not hearing about all of the Sunnis that are taking up arms against Al-Qaeda" because the Drive-By media blah, blah, blah. Of couse, the Drive-By media has reported on this, as I noted on June 19, 2007 and May 29, 2007.

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