Thursday, July 19, 2007


Gen. Bergner was on Brian and the Judge yesterday and it seems that the criminal Bush regime is trying very hard to present military officers to the GOP base that listens to talk radio. Huge Ego Hewitt and Slots Bennett have also recently had officers on to talk about Iraq.

Fats Limbaugh today: Speaking about the "threat" of universal health care, Fats said "Without innovation, it doesn't get better, and we know that government does not improve things. If government did, they'd be running the oil companies, and we'd be happy about it. But government doesn't do anything right. "

Yup, and we never made an atomic bomb in WW 2, nothing good has come out of the National Science Foundation and LBJ's Great Society did not reduce the poverty rate in America. Of course, when you hire horse show judges to run FEMA, you can't expect too much.

Moral Medved had Bill Kristol on and approved of Kristol's hideous op-ed piece in last Sunday's WaPo. Medved referred to John Edwards as "Con Edwards" and I'm still baffled about why Medved has so much against Edwards.

Insannity repeated the lie that Valerie Plame was not covert despite overwhelming evidence that she was. I think Insannity was a little hurt by Ed Schultz' claim that he beats Insannity in several major markets and that explains why Insannity called Ed "a propaganda machine."

Insannity went on to claim that talk radio hosts like himself "are all measured by audience size" and "ratings" and that's it - there's no mention of honesty or truthfulness.

Mike Gallagher praised Tony Snowjob's op-ed in USA Today, a rehash of lies and distortions familiar to believers of wingnut radio. Snowjob begins his piece with a whopper:

The war in Iraq, authorized by three-quarters of the Senate, was launched in response to Saddam Hussein's refusal to abide by 17 United Nations resolutions...

This has been a favorite claim of the wingnuts and ignores that the LEGALLY BINDING PROVISIONS required Pres. Fredo to affirm that diplomatic means will EITHER not eliminate the threat Iraq poses to America OR will not lead to the enforcement of all relevant U.N. resolutions about Iraq.

Iraq posed no threat to America and was cooperating with the weapons inspectors. Snow's claim is directly contradicted by one of his predecessors:

"But make no mistake -- as I said earlier -- we have high confidence that they have weapons of mass destruction. That is what this war was about and it is about." -Ari Fleischer Press Briefing 4/10/03

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