Sunday, August 05, 2007


In his WaPo op-ed, "A Polarized, and Polarizing, Congress," Broder points out that Pres. Fredo threatened to veto the Senate's version of the SCHIP renewal because Fredo thinks it is a step toward socialized medicine. Now, the House version includes more money for SCHIP than the Senate version and it would also reduce the private Medicare system Fredo likes.

Who gets the blame in BroderWorld? Obviously, it's the House Democrats, not Fredo:

So it will go down as one more example of unnecessary conflict. No rational human being could explain why a program that both parties support and both want to continue could ignite such a fight.

And when this Congress had an opportunity to take a relatively simple, incremental step to extend health insurance to a vulnerable group, the members managed to make a mess of it.

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