Sunday, August 19, 2007


Thomas Ricks' FIASCO has quotes from many officers about the non-existence of a real Phase IV (post-war) plan.

Lt. Gen. Kellogg: "There was no real plan." (p. 109)

Major Isaiah Wilson: "there was no Phase IV plan" (p. 110)

Marine Col. Nicholas Reynolds: "Nowhere in Centcom or CFLCC had there been a plan for Phase IV that was like the plan for Phase III.." (p. 110)

Army Colonel Gregory Gardner: " Politically, we'd made a decision that we'd turn it over to the Iraqis in June [2003]. So why have a Phase IV plan?" (p. 110)

Col. Alan King: "On the night of April 8, Col. [John] Sterling, the chief of staff of the 3rd ID, came to me sand said, 'I just got off the phone with the corps chief of staff, and I asked him for the reconstruction plan, and he said there isn't one. So you've got 24 hours to come up with one.'" (p. 150)

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