In Iraq, our troops are taking the fight to the extremists and radicals and murderers all throughout the country. Our troops have killed or captured an average of more than 1,500 al Qaeda terrorists and other extremists every month since January of this year.
I know that the numbers of the enemy we face has been very difficult to determine, but a good approximation seems to be 3,000 Al Qaeda out of 30,000 insurgents overall. If Fredo is correct, we've killed or captured over 10,000 of the insurgents, about 33% of the total, something I would think would greatly reduce both the number of insurgent attacks and the number of civilian deaths. McClatchy reports that the number of civilians killed in explosions is about the same as it was last December and the Wall Street Journal finds that except for a one month decline, the number of insurgent attacks are up since the surge began:

You just lost all credibility. You missrepesented the very Wall Street Journal Article you link.
Here is the assertion made in your WSJ source article...
"The surge has had some clear successes in military terms. It has helped halve the number of sectarian killings and violent acts here to about 700 in July compared with November. The August numbers are expected to be even lower, military officials said. While violence continues to flare in other parts of the country, overall rates are down sharply the past six months, though a roadside bomb yesterday killed a governor in southern Iraq, the second provincial boss assassinated in nine days."
Steve... what are you doing man. How can we trust your posts in the future?
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