Monday, August 13, 2007


Andrew Sullivan:

The man's legacy is a conservative movement largely discredited and disunited, a president with lower consistent approval ratings than any in modern history, a generational shift to the Democrats, a resurgent al Qaeda, an endless catastrophe in Iraq, a long hard struggle in Afghanistan, a fiscal legacy that means bankrupting America within a decade, and the poisoning of American religion with politics and vice-versa.


In his exit-announcing interview with WSJ editorial page editor Paul Gigot, the man dubbed the Boy Genius manifested all the worst traits of the administration he helped forge: he was delusional, fanatical, and deceptive.


...this smirking dung heap wrapped in a Brooks Brothers bolt of cloth did his level-headed best to jeopardize national security by outing a covert agent, her support network of nearly a hundred agents and the front company the CIA had set up to protect them, kept a child-molesting Republican in Congress against his will by using his lobbyist ambitions against him so he could keep the cash flowing and jeopardizing underaged aides in the process, rigged up to four elections, politicized the Justice Department, subverting Bush’s own executive order forbidding White House staff to use non-White House email accounts for official business and a hundred other perfidies of which I’m sure we’re blissfully unaware…


jurassicpork said...

Man, that's some rarified company. Thanks!

Steve J. said...

YW, jp!
