Sunday, August 19, 2007


This was noted by Thomas Ricks, who pointed out that PBS' Frontline is an excellent resource for material on the Iraq War.

Speaking about Ahmad Chalabi, the head of the INC and a key source of misinformation about Iraq, Richard Perle said:

I think he's the person whose advice we should be taking. I think he understands that situation better than anyone else. If you go to Iraq under these circumstances, as an American, who do you listen to? You've got to make a decision about whose judgment you can trust, about who understands the situation. In my view, the person most likely to give us reliable advice is Ahmad Chalabi. - Richard Perle, July 10, 2003.

Perle does confirm what Wolfowitz said about our rationale for the war:
If you say would we have taken this action in Iraq, if the only purpose had been to try to bring democracy to Iraq, I think the answer is no.

In the rest of the interview, Perle sounds no better than a radio talk show gasbag.

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