Thursday, August 02, 2007


Mark "Foamer" Levin had a perfect substitute tonight, Tom Marr. Marr is another poorly educated gasbag, just like Hannity, and is about as extreme as Foamer. I caught a few minutes tonight and Marr claimed that the MSM and the Left want us to lose in Iraq and they are "aiding and abetting" the enemy.

Moralistic Michael Medved is still spewing the idea there is no separation of Church and State. One of his callers is worried that America will decline into "a secular socialism" and so is Medved. Medved also mentioned the gasbags meeting Fredo but it wasn't clear whether or not he was one of them.

Insannity spoke against the "extremist Daily Kos" and wondered whether the Democratic candidates would be held responsible for attending YearlyKos.

I caught a little of Glenn Beck sucking up to Pres. Fredo, much like Hannity did.

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