Saturday, September 22, 2007


Spencer Akerman finds that McConnell had to publicly retract a misleading statement he made before the Senate Intelligence Committee:
McConnell claimed that three German terrorism suspects arrested last week for plotting to blow up nightclubs frequented by U.S. military personnel had come to the attention of German authorities thanks to U.S. intercepts made possible by the new law.

This was so badly wrong that McConnel had to retract a few days later:
The Protect America Act was urgently needed by our intelligence professionals to close critical gaps in our capabilities and permit them to more readily follow terrorist threats, such as the plot uncovered in Germany. However, information contributing to the recent arrests was not collected under authorities provided by the Protect America Act.

McConnell has made other preposterous statements and can now only be regarded as another politcal hack who is willing to lie for Pres.Fredo.

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