Wednesday, September 19, 2007


That's what Atrios calls The Politico and Eric Boehlert gives us an excellent example of why he does so:
And note this passage:
Though Democrats haven't denounced the ad en masse, it's safe to say they're being honest in wishing it hadn't happened. "MoveOn has thrown the Democratic leadership under the bus," said a GOP leadership aide who asked not to be identified. "The only one benefiting from's tactics is"
So in order to illustrate how Democrats privately felt about the MoveOn ad, Politico quoted an anonymous Republican aide. Can somebody please explain that sourcing method to me?

Atrios notes that the WaPo isn't much better: provided Republicans a life raft when it ran a full-page newspaper advertisement Monday taunting Petraeus as "General Betray Us." Ever since, Republicans have spent far more time condemning the ad than defending the war.

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