Friday, September 28, 2007


From the Big Blog at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer:
Rush Limbaugh: Still not that bright
On Wednesday, Rush Limbaugh, who has never served in the military, slithered to a new low by calling soldiers who advocate pulling U.S. troops out of Iraq "phony soldiers."

The AP:
Dems Criticize Limbaugh's Comments
By HOLLY RAMER – 3 hours ago

CLAREMONT, N.H. (AP) — Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards criticized Rush Limbaugh on Friday for referring to some members of the military as "phony soldiers."

CBS News Public Eye blog:

But some things are outrages despite being spotlighted by ideological groups. Take what was said by Rush Limbaugh this week, as reported on Talking Points Memo – inspired by the liberal group Media Matters -- yesterday:
...suggesting that a soldier who has qualms with the military’s operations in Iraq and chooses to vocalize those reservations is phony ... well, it tips this reader's scale.

The Baltimore Sun's The Swamp:

The Democrats, who suffered a deep drilling over the newspaper ad that called Gen. David Petraeus “General Betray Us,’’ have been laying in wait for a chance to pounce on Republicans for betraying the troops.

And they have found it in a traditional foil, radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, who made a passing comment this week about his attitude towards soldiers who oppose the war in Iraq, calling them “phony

The Baltimore Sun's The Swamp:

Radio’s Rush Limbaugh, catching flak for his allusion to “phony soldiers’’ this week, insists he really was speaking of only one “genuine phony soldier’’ at the time.
Yet today, Limbaugh expanded his roster of “genuine phony soldiers’’ to include Rep. Jack Murtha, Pennsylvania Democrat, a retired Marine colonel, decorated and wounded veteran of the Vietnam War who served for 37 years and was awarded the Bronze Star.

WLWT - Channel 5, Cinncinnati, Ohio:

Limbaugh's 'Phony Soldiers' Quote Draws Fire

Talk Show Host Critical Of Anti-War Troops
POSTED: 7:54 am EDT September 28, 2007
UPDATED: 5:59 pm EDT September 28, 2007

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