Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I think we've seen the end of the Fundie dominance of the GOP. There was a "values voters" presidential debate in Ft. Lauderdale and the top 4 candidates - Giuliani, Thompson, McCain and Romney - were no shows. The ones who did are all "second tier" candidates - "Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback, Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Maryland conservative Alan Keyes, Chicago businessman John Cox, and Reps. Tom Tancredo of Colorado, Duncan Hunter of California and Texas' Ron Paul. "

Just as important, the debate showed how out of step these freaks are with the rest of America:

Also on the top of the list of issues was abstinence education, for which they all vowed to increase funding.
All agreed to veto hate crimes legislation and were on common ground when declaring they would oppose embryonic stem cell research.
Each Republican politician was also against a government-run universal
health insurance program
and expressed interest in working to offer personal retirement accounts to reform the current Social Security system.

Another good sign:

Organizers said they had a waiting list for the first-ever Values Voter debate, but about a third of the 2,700 seats at the Broward Center for Performing Arts were empty.

I especially liked this incredible bit of pride:

Giuliani's absence particularly irked debate committee member Janet Folger, president of Dania Beach-based Faith2Action, who mentioned him by name in her pre-debate remarks. To those who "had something more important to do than talk to those of us who represent God's principles," Folger had a prediction: "Those who snubbed us, they will not win."

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