Wednesday, September 12, 2007


(Via Atrios)

I noted below that War Whore Lieberman was playing concern troll on Slots Bennett's show but I missed him on Hannity's show. Not to worry, Keith Olbermann was on top of Holy Joe and made him Worst Person in the World. Here's the video

And here's the transcript via Lexis-Nexis:

But our winner, Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman. He told Fixed News this morning that, quote, that unity we felt after September 11th, we have to find a way to get it back, because we have descended into terrible partisan political sniping. And what is Senator Lieberman`s first steps towards finding that way back? He`s going to attend tonight`s so-called Freedom Concert, featuring Coulter-Geist, who just yesterday said that the Democrats want us to lose and that the media is, quote, treasonous. Featuring Ollie North, who said a year ago that electing a Democratic Congress meant, quote, nuclear weapons in the hands of fanatics.

Starring Newt Gingrich, who said that critics of the Bush administration are similar to, quote, those who enabled Hitler. And hosted by Sean Hannity, who last spring called Senate Majority Leader Reid a, quote, propaganda minister for our enemies.

A great start back towards unity, senator. Don`t commune with the very people who wasted and manipulated that unity into the attempt to extinguish the media, one of the political parties and our freedom of speech. Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, today`s Worst Person in the World.

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