Friday, September 28, 2007


According to Memeorandum, the Fats Limbaugh story got plenty of coverage in thee blogs. Let's see if the main stream media picks up on this.

4:40 AM ET, September 28, 2007

Media Matters for America:
Limbaugh: Service members who support U.S. withdrawal are "phony soldiers" — During the September 26 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh called service members who advocate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq "phony soldiers." He made the comment while discussing …
Link Search: Ask, Technorati, Sphere, Google, and IceRocket
+Discussion: Think Progress, All Spin Zone, The Carpetbagger Report, Dyre Portents, Hullabaloo, Thought Theater, The Gun Toting Liberal™, the talking dog, Macsmind, Chuck Adkins, Done With Mirrors, Unqualified Offerings and Riehl World View
Matt / Think Progress: Rep. Pallone slams Rush's 'phony soldiers' comment.
The Xsociate / All Spin Zone: Charge of the Phony Brigade
Carpetbagger / The Carpetbagger Report: Limbaugh calls service members who support withdrawal 'phony soldiers'
Dyre Portents: Has Rush Limbaugh finally gone too far?
Digby / Hullabaloo: Is The Village Out Of Smelling Salts Today?
The Gun Toting Liberal™: Rush Limbaugh Blasts Half The U.S. Military For Being "Phony Soldiers"
Tdog / the talking dog: Possible disaster averted
Macranger / Macsmind: Media Blathers — Media Matters (That George Soros Place) …
Chuck Adkins: Rush Limbaugh Steps into it, up to his ears.
Callimachus / Done With Mirrors: Rush to Judgment — I have no idea what Rush Limbaugh says or thinks …
Mona / Unqualified Offerings: (Update) Apparently,"Phony Soldiers" Die, Too
Dan / Riehl World View: Anatomy of a Left-wing Smear
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Jon Soltz / The Huffington Post:
So I'm a "Phony Soldier," Rush? — As Media Matters reported today, Rush Limbaugh, on his show said that those troops who come home and want to get America out of the middle of the religious civil war in Iraq are "phony soldiers." I'd love for you, Rush, to have me on your show and tell that to me to my face.
Link Search: Ask, Technorati, Sphere, Google, and IceRocket
+Discussion: Taylor Marsh, DownWithTyranny!, Calitics, Brilliant at Breakfast, Rook's Rant, Think Progress, HorsesAss.Org, Take Our Country Back and Oliver Willis
Taylor Marsh: Rush 'Phony Soldier' Swiftboating Slur
David Dayen / Calitics: Jerry McNerney v. Comedian Rush Limbaugh
Jill / Brilliant at Breakfast: Well, it looks like Olbermann has his Worst Person for tonight
Rook / Rook's Rant: Jon Soltz: So I'm a "Phony Soldier," Rush? - Politics on The Huffington Post
Matt / Think Progress: Limbaugh: pro-withdrawal troops are 'phony soldiers.'
Goldy / HorsesAss.Org: Is Rush Limbaugh a coward?
Snooper / Take Our Country Back: Jon Soltz And Emptiness Of Oaths
Oliver Willis: Rush Limbaugh: Soldiers Against War Are "Phony Soldiers" …
Greg Sargent / TPM Election Central:
Democrats Blast Limbaugh For Saying That Antiwar Troops Are "Phony Soldiers" — As we reported earlier today over at The Horse's Mouth, Rush Limbaugh said on his radio show that soldiers who favor U.S. withdrawal from Iraq are "phony soldiers." — The assertion — reminiscent of MoveOn's attack …
Link Search: Ask, Technorati, Sphere, Google, and IceRocket
+Discussion: Corrente, Shakespeare's Sister, The Huffington Post and The Atlantic Online
Lambert / Corrente: After Limbaugh Calls Serving Soldiers "Phonies," …
Jeff Fecke / Shakespeare's Sister: Why Won't Republicans Condemn Rush Limbaugh?
Rep. Patrick Murphy / The Huffington Post: Honoring All Those Who Serve — Someone should tell chicken …
Max / The Atlantic Online: Phony Soldiers — Rush Limbaugh calls anti-war troops "phony soldiers."
Faiz / Think Progress:A Challenge For Lawmakers Who Voted To Attack MoveOn Ad …
Link Search: Ask, Technorati, Sphere, Google, and IceRocket
+Discussion: The Huffington Post and Daily Kos
Dave Johnson / The Huffington Post: Will Congress Condemn Rush For What He Said Yesterday?
Kos / Daily Kos: Time for a new resolution — The MoveOn resolution: … Rush:
Horses Mouth:Newsflash: Rush Limbaugh just described soldiers who are in favor …
Link Search: Ask, Technorati, Sphere, Google, and IceRocket
+Discussion: The Gavel and TPM Election Central
Jesse Lee / The Gavel: Democrats Denounce Rush Limbaugh's "Phony Soldiers" Comment
Greg Sargent / TPM Election Central: Iraq Vet And Dem Congressman Patrick Murphy Blasts Rush
Nicole Belle / Crooks and Liars:Limbaugh: Troops Supporting US Withdrawal "Phony Soldiers" UPDATED

Link Search: Ask, Technorati, Sphere, Google, and IceRocket
+Discussion: Media Matters for America, skippy the bush kangaroo and Daily Kos
Media Matters for America: Members of Congress denounced Limbaugh's "phony soldiers" smear
Jim Yeager / skippy the bush kangaroo: what, it's okay if you're a chickenhawk?
DemHillStaffer / Daily Kos: Breaking: House Votes to Condemn MoveOn
John Bruhns / AMERICAblog:My thoughts on Rush — Sorry to once again "preach to the choir."

Link Search: Ask, Technorati, Sphere, Google, and IceRocket
+Discussion: All Spin Zone and Cliff Schecter
Daniel DiRito / All Spin Zone: "Rush" To Judgment: Can You Identify The Phony?
Paddy / Cliff Schecter: Disgusting and just so wrong. — Via Media Matters-

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