Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I noted before that Israel follows the Rule of Law more than the criminal Bush regime and here's a little more information.

Diverse litigants side with Gitmo captives
With the Supreme Court poised to decide another Guantánamo case, foreign and domestic lawyers, lawmakers, diplomats and others are filing briefs defending the rights of the captives.
Posted on Sun, Sep. 16, 2007

Israeli lawyers and military law experts filed a brief supporting Guantánamo detainees suing the Bush administration over one of its most controversial war-on-terrorism policies. They argue that the United States can safeguard national security while giving presumed dangerous captives access to U.S. courts.
Says Haifa Law Professor Emanuel Gross, a retired Israeli Army colonel and military judge who contributed to the brief: ``The issue here is, having been engulfed with terrorist activities from the beginning, from 1948, we learned a good lesson -- if you want to remain a democracy you must be willing to let them have their day in court.''

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