Wednesday, September 26, 2007


First, a little background from the U.S. State Department about Treaties in Force:
The term “treaty” as a matter of U.S. constitutional law denotes international agreements made by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate in accordance with Article II, section 2 of the Constitution of the United States. In addition to such “treaties”, this publication covers international agreements in force that have been concluded by the Executive (a) pursuant to or in accordance with existing legislation or a prior treaty; (b) subject to congressional approval or implementation, and/or (c) under and in accordance with the President’s constitutional powers.

Here's the part about the United Nations (pp. 186 ff):

Declaration by United Nations.
Signed at Washington January 1, 1942.
Entered into force January 1, 1942.
55 Stat. 1600; EAS 236; 3 Bevans 697.

Charter of the United Nations with the
Statute of the International Court of
Justice annexed thereto.1
Signed at San Francisco June 26, 1945.
Entered into force October 24, 1945.
59 Stat. 1031; TS 993; 3 Bevans 1153.

December 17, 1963 (16 UST 1134;
TIAS 5857; 557 UNTS 143).
December 20, 1965 (19 UST 5450;
TIAS 6529).
December 20, 1971 (24 UST 2225;
TIAS 7739).

Convention on the privileges and
immunities of the United Nations.
Done at New York February 13, 1946
Entered into force September 17, 1946;
for the United States April 29, 1970.
21 UST 1418; TIAS 6900; 1 UNTS 16.

And here's a key part from the last convention:
(d) exemption in respect of themselves and their spouses from immigration restrictions, alien registration or national service obligations in the state they are visitingor through which they are passing in the exercise of their functions;

This morning, Slots Bennett said we should have denied Ahmadinejad a visa EVEN THOUGH DOING SO WOULD BE AGAINST THE LAW. This is the same approach he took on the Schiavo case when he thought that Jeb Bush should ignore the many court rulings and forcibly insert the feeding tube into her.

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