Sunday, September 23, 2007


WE have Grisham! I wonder who's sold more books?

Grisham slams war, tells book's Iowa ties
September 21, 2007

Best-selling author John Grisham, taking his first major public step in presidential politics by planning to host an event Sunday near his home in Charlottesville, Va., for New York Sen. Hillary Clinton, said the current administration is built around "bad people with evil intent" and contends President Bush played politics as thousands died in Iraq.

"The war is an immoral abomination that we'll pay for for decades to come," Grisham said near the end of a 40-minute telephone interview with The Des Moines Register."We're paying for it now at the rate of 100 kids a month while Bush plays politics with it."

Grisham said his differences with the current administration trace back to the beginning of its White House run.

"I've always thought that they were bad people with evil intent - and all that, it's playing out now," he said. "You can't hardly look at any aspect of the government in the seven years so far that's been run properly."

Part of Grisham's motivation for getting involved in the political event, he said, is rooted in personal concerns about the current White House.

"I can't stand those people - and their incompetence is astounding," he said." I always thought you could at least depend on the Republican Party to maintain some semblance of fiscal responsibility." But they run up record deficits - taking care of billionaires that they want to take care of. Don't get me started on politics. I could go for a long time."

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