Friday, September 21, 2007


In The Fact Checker by Michael Dobbs, the WaPo rolls over to make PR seem better than he really is. He writes "With hindsight, Petraeus was overly optimistic in his 2004 assessment." but it doesn't take hindsight to see that corruption and incompetence were present in 2004, along with a lack of NCOs.

Dobbs goes on to cite the Jones Commission report on the Iraqis forces but fails to mention that the report found that the Iraqis Army won't be ready for another 18 months. If that timeline is accurate, it will be 5 YEARS AFTER PR SAID THERE WAS "TANGIBLE PROGRESS."

Dobbs then lapses further into wingnut stupidity by writing about the Surge"Independent reports show that the results have been mixed. " In this context, "mixed" means "failed."

Dobbs has more like this but you get the idea: Dobbs sucks up to the war whores.

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