Friday, September 21, 2007


Remember when the conservatives were all pissed off about the Dems refusing to vote on some of the extremists Pres. Fredo wanted to put in the federal judiciary? Well, filibusters were bad then but now they are the Senate GOP's best friend. McClatchy provided this graph a couple of months ago:

Back in the old days, before the Dems took control of the Senate, the GOP whined about obstructionism all the time. Now, you don't hear a peep and the MSM is playing right along, as Atrios and Kevin Drum point out.

Why aren't the Dems making much more of this? For that matter, why aren't they shouting Greenspan's opinion of St. Raygun from the rooftops, day and night?


Thanx to commenter Njorl at Yglesia's place, we can see the huge difference in reporting in the MSM about the "60 votes" issue, also know as filibustering. The word "filibuster" was used all the time when the Dems were in the minority but now that the GOP is, it's always "60 votes needed."

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