Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Karl Rove claims that health care reform can be a winner for the GOP but only offers the stale and demonstrably false bleat about the free-market as the solution to the problem. More important, he's badly out of step with the American public, just as Bush and the GOP were with Schiavo and stem-cell research.

From Pollingreport.com:

CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. May 4-6, 2007. N=1,028 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.
"Do you think the government should provide a national health insurance program for all Americans, even if this would require higher taxes?"
Yes 64%
No 35%
Unsure 2%

CBS News Poll. Sept. 14-16, 2007. N=706 adults nationwide. MoE ± 4 (for all adults).

"Which do you think would be better for the country: having one health insurance program covering all Americans that would be administered by the government and paid for by taxpayers, or keeping the current system where many people get their insurance from private employers and some have no insurance?"
One Program For All 55%
Current System 29%
Combination(vol.) 3%
Neither (vol.) 4%
Unsure 9%

The Kaiser Family Foundation found this August that 54% of Independents (and 67% of Democrats) prefer this:

A new health plan that would make a
major effort to provide insurance for
nearly all of the uninsured and would
involve a substantial increase in spending

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