Monday, September 17, 2007


Nicole at Crooks & Liars found this idea-with-spine from Mark Kleiman:

Take, for example, the Webb Amendment, forbidding troops from being required to serve tours in Iraq longer than the spells between tours. If passed, it would force a troop drawdown by spring.
The Democrats should offer the Webb Amendment when the Defense Appropriation comes up. If the Republicans want to filibuster, fine. Don't pull the amendment. Just let them keep filibustering. As long as the amendment is on the floor, there can be no vote on the bill itself. Keep calling cloture votes, one per day. After a few days, start asking how long the Republicans intend to withhold money to fund troops in the field in order to pursue their petty partisan agenda.
If the Republicans in the Senate hold firm, it's their stubbornness that's holding up the bill. If they fold, and the bill gets to the President's desk and he vetoes it, then pass the same damned bill again. And start asking how long the President intends to block funding for troops in the field in order to pursue his petty partisan agenda.

Jane at Firedoglake also thinks this is a good idea:

If the Democrats really do have 57 votes in the Senate for the Webb Amendment there is absolutely no reason not to go balls to the wall as Digby says and implement the Kleiman strategy. Make the Republicans get up over and over again and denounce the troops as losers and tell us how they can’t come home until they win. Rudy Giuliani can get out in front of this one, he’s already been blaming the troops for Bush’s bungled war.

The Rudy line refers to this statement he made on Oct. 28, 2004, about the unguarded munitions depots in Iraq:

GIULIANI: And no matter how much you try to blame it on the president, the
actual responsibility for it really would be for the troops that were there.

(Jane has provided the video.)

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