Thursday, September 20, 2007


Andrew Sullivan is upset that Pres. Fredo met with a few print war whores but I don't see any difference in Fredo's SOP. For years the criminal Bush regime has given exclusive interviews to Fats Limbaugh and Insannity, so why not met with freakshows from the NRO? In fact, just a few weeks ago, Fredo met with some notorious radio war whores AT THE WHITE HOUSE!

Matt Yglesias expresses astonishment that Fredo would say that the ad by MoveOn was an attack on the trooops but again I don't understand the reaction. War Whores like Insannity and Mark "Foamer" Levin have been pushing that same line for over a week and there's certaoinly nothing new about the Noise Machine making shit up.

As a side issue, Kathryn Jean Lopez thinks that she, Kate O'Beirne and the other war whores who met with Fredo are journalists but they are no more journalists than Limbaugh is a reporter.

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