Saturday, October 06, 2007


A band of survivors returns from Iraq

For 15 months, their platoon was sent where the violence was worst. Many lost friends or faith in their mission, but 'at least we made it alive,' said one soldier.
By Alexandra Zavis, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
October 6, 2007

Their 3,700-strong 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, based at Ft. Lewis, Wash., lost 48 soldiers in all, and nearly 650 were injured.

"That's a pretty steep price to pay," Col. Steve Townsend, the brigade commander, said as soldiers packed up his plywood headquarters at a sun-baked base called Warhorse, on the northwest outskirts of Baqubah. "I'd like to think it's been worth it. We'll see. I think the jury's out on that."

Spc. Chris Martin, a medic, ... "I came here feeling I could do great things. Not just bring all my guys home . . . but do something for people," he said. "I failed." ... he is disillusioned with the political leaders who sent them to Iraq.

"They have made some companies into Fortune 500 companies," he said. "But otherwise, we have just put a lot of flags on coffins for what will inevitably be nothing but a giant mess."

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