Thursday, October 04, 2007


I've re-registered at RedState and I wonder how long it will take before I get banned again? While there, I noticed a surprising number of posts by GOP Congress Critters. These are all in defense of Fats Limbaugh:

Feigned Democrat Outrage
By Congressman Roy Blunt

The Democrats Attack Rush To Cover Their Mistake
By Rep. Vito Fosella

Sign the Petition -
By Rep. Eric Cantor

Attack on Limbaugh is Attack on Free Speech
By Congressman Mike Pence

Why let the truth get in the way of a good story?
By Rep. Marsha Blackburn

Allegations Against Limbaugh Are Ludicrous!
By Rep. Scott Garrett

It's Not Really About Rush, It's About Talk Radio
By Congressman Jack Kingston

First, I was surprised that RedState has that much esteem among the GOPers; second, and much more important, this is another indication of how important Fats Limbaugh is to the wingnuts. In itself, that's a startling admission of weakness because Limbaugh has peaked and can only go downhill from now on.

I was listening to Hannity today and after his dishonest defense of Limbaugh, he warned his conservative listeners that there would be many more attacks by the Left in the future, especially as we near the elections in November. This might be wishful thinking on my part but I seemed to detect a bit of fear in Hannity and I think that's a good thing: no longer can these gasbags count of getting away with their lies and smears without some people standing up to them.


The Hutt also was there -

I wonder who General Petraeus and his troops think is most supportive?
By Fred Thompson

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