Wednesday, October 10, 2007


That's what the wingnuts have been bleating about the Frosts. Curiously, they don't use those words when describing their wish that the telecoms be absolved of all responsibility for their choice to cooperate with the illegal tapping of American citizens done at the behest of the NSA. Via Atrios I learn that Sadly, No! catches Malkin committing flagrant hypocrisy on the SCHIP issue. Here's what she said abour health care in 2004:

After my husband quit his job earlier this year (to become a full-time stay-at-home dad), we had a choice. We could either buy health insurance from his former employer through a program called COBRA at a cost of more than $1,000
per month(!) or we could go it alone in Maryland’s individual market. Given our
financial circumstances, that “choice” wasn’t much of a choice at all.
We had to go on our own.
We discovered that the most generous plans in Maryland’s individual market cost $700 per month yet provide no more than $1,500 per year of prescription drug coverage–a drop in the bucket if someone in our family were to be diagnosed with a serious illness.
With health insurance choices like that, no wonder so many people opt to go uninsured.

In 2007, her attitude has undergone a remarkable change:

The bottom line remains:

This family made choices. Choices have consequences. Taxpayers of lesser means should not be forced to subsidize them.

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