Tuesday, October 02, 2007


The Swamp has provided a copy of Clear Channel's reply to the Democratic Senators letter that criticizes Limbaugh. Thanks to a PDF-to-Word converter, I can provide some of the highlights here.

First, Mark Mays, the CEO of Clear Channel, is clearly dishonest with this claim:

...and I have carefully read the transcript from the episode in question. I hope you will appreciate that I cannot speak with authority as to whom exactly Mr. Limbaugh's comments were directed, or what was his intent.

Who the comment was directed to is VERY clear: any soldier who disagrees with Fats Limbaugh about Iraq. Mays continues:
However, if Mr. Limbaugh's intention was to classify any soldier opposed to the war in Iraq as a "phony soldier," which he denies, then I, along with most Americans, would be deeply offended by such a statement.

Mays should be offended because Limbaugh later went out of his way to attack Rep. John Murtha simply because Murtha opposes the Iraq War. Mays then goes on to LIE about the diversity at Clear Channel:
Each and every day, Clear Channel airs a broad diversity of viewpoints from Rush Limbaugh on the right to Air America on the left of the political spectrum.

And then tries to hide behind the 4th Amendment:
The First Amendment gives every American the right to voice his or her opinion, no matter how unpopular.

The 4th Amendment does not require Clear Channel to use the PUBLIC AIRWAYS to spread hatred and division and it does not prohibit Clear Channel from expressing its disapproval of Fats Limbaugh.

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