Tuesday, October 30, 2007


This piece on the Huffington Post reminded me again of the widespread hypocrisy of the Right:

Ann Coulter: On the Gay Circuit in West Hollywood
Posted October 28, 2007 06:42 PM (EST)
By Rick Jacobs

Why would Ann Coulter, who hates homosexuals, go to dinner at gay ground zero? Why would she spend her hard earned gay-bashing royalties to enrich Jeffrey Sanker and otherwise support gay-owned businesses? ... She was a natural with the gay men who surrounded her. She enjoyed the fawning attention by her two not so masculine male escorts, clearly in her milieu. ... On the other hand, we have to wonder why Ann Coulter feels so comfortable among the gay men she hates. Clearly, she's just a hypocrite, saying outrageous, inflammatory, dangerous, un-Christian words simply to make enough money to pay for dinner in, well, West Hollywood.

I thought that David Brock once wrote that Coulter hangs out at gay bars but I haven't been able to find the source after looking through both The Republican Noise Machine and Blinded by the Right. Brock does seem to refer to her as one of "right wing fag hags" in Blinded, page 236, and he also notes that she's a pal of closet-case Matt Drudge in Noise, page 167.

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