Tuesday, October 09, 2007


If we play this right, talk radio gasbags could truly be the "gift that kept on giving," as Rove said about John Kerry's "voted for it before I voted against it" faux pas. ThinkProgress reports that Limbaugh decided to continue his smear campaign against all those who disagree with him, this time a 12-year old, and reminding people of what he said about a disabled vet who opposes the Iraq War:
They send the kid out to lie. They filled this kid’s head with lies just as they have some of these soldiers about me. Put lies in the kid’s head or put it on the script that he’s reading. He goes out and reads it. He’s 12-years-old! They will use anybody! They’ll corrupt anybody, to get where they’re headed. That’s who they are, folks.

Fats also gave us another look inside the GOP Noise Machine when he credited a Freeper with discovering the "truth" about Graeme Frost. As if one could rely on anything from a Freeper, even the time of day!

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