Tuesday, October 02, 2007


MediaMatters finds that Slots Bennett comes to Limbaugh's defense by using a variant of the context argument:
The argument was that he used the phrase "phony soldiers": He was talking
about a phony soldier. The AP ran a story called "phony soldiers." ABC, three
days before Rush's comments, ran a story called "phony soldiers." He was talking
about a guy who was lying. He wasn't a corporal in the Army. He didn't get a
Purple Heart. That's the guy Rush was talking about.

No, he wasn't Bill. Limbaugh was talking about ANY soldier who is anti-war. Slots goes on to say:
BENNETT: He took on Jack Murtha. He did not call Jack Murtha a "phony soldier."

Yes he did Bill and here's the REAL transcript:
LIMBAUGH: I was talking about a genuine phony soldier. And by the way, Jesse MacBeth's not the only one. How about this guy Scott Thomas [Beauchamp] who was writing fraudulent, phony things in The New Republic about atrocities he saw that never happened? How about Jack Murtha blanketly accepting the notion that Marines at Haditha engaged in wanton murder of innocent children and civilians?

Mark "Foamer" Levin took pretty much the same tack and had a US Attorney on who has been prosecuting some people who have falsely claimed they were soldiers. Bryan at Hot Air took the trouble to make an audio clip.

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