Wednesday, October 03, 2007


MediaMatters has the video clip of Slots Bennett whoring for Limbaugh. MM also wants us to contact our local stations and let them know what we think about Fats.

Today, Fats repeated his lies about his "phony soldier" outrage. About MediaMatters, he claimed "they are the liars, they are the frauds" and asserted that "the timeline is not relevant." It's not relevant because it shows that he is lying about the context of his remarks.

Fats then sequed into an attack on Global Warming and sounded just like Michael Savage. Here is the transcript from his site:


RUSH: All right. On this program, over the course of the recent past, one of the ways I've attempted to alert people to the real truth behind manmade global warming is that it is a hoax being presented as a religion. The only difference between global warming and any other major religion is that its god is tangible. (It's the earth.) ... Global warming is nothing more than a disguised liberal plot to advance their politics, just like Mrs. Clinton's SCHIP program for kids is a Trojan horse to get us into universal health care on the guise that we're only doing it "for the children." So global warming is simply a masked and camouflaged way to get liberals to where they want to be: power over as many aspects of your life as possible.... If you get rid of "organized" religion -- and they're not going to succeed, but this is who these people are. If you get rid of "organized" religion, it sets the stage for unorganized religion, which is what global warming is. ... If you don't believe in God, you have no meaning in your life, and you will thus search for meaning, and you will find it anywhere. Most people, even atheists, want religion of some kind in their life. Hello, global warming, as a substitute -- apparently unrecognized and not even organized -- religion. ... The global warming people essentially are atheists. You cannot believe in the God of Creation and believe manmade global warming. You just can't.

Now, what would Fats say about all the Evangelicals who take Global Warming seriously? Are they also "phony"?

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