Saturday, October 27, 2007


Last night I caught a bit of Mark "Foamer" Levin's show and he attempted to defend Raygun against claims made by Charles Krauthammer in this column. This seems to be the objectionable part:
Well, what about Reagan? This president, renowned for his naps, granted amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants in the 1986 Simpson-Mazzoli bill. As governor of California, he signed the most liberal abortion legalization bill in America, then flip-flopped and became an abortion opponent. What did he do about it as president? Gave us Sandra Day O'Connor and Anthony Kennedy, the two swing votes that upheld and enshrined Roe v. Wade for the last quarter-century.

There's a lot more one could write about Raygun. My personal favorite is his claim that ketchup is a vegetable and David Corn has 65 other points. Some wingnuts are going sticky wet over Raygun's economy, even after Alan Greenspan made it clear that Bill Clinton cleaned up Raygun's economic mess. Over at Clownhall, one commenter regurgitated a neo-con delusion: "Extraordinary leaders like Reagan and Churchill..."
Another commenter represented the "centrist" part of the GOP with this: "
Ronald Reagan was the greatest president of the 20th century."

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