Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I wrote below that Hannity is gripping because the Fundies may not support the GOP presidential nominee and he was so concerned that he had James "Focus on YOUR family" Dobson on Hannity & Colmes for a lengthy interview. FAUX has the video clips here but I suspect they will be at a different address in the near future. Hotair put up excerpts from the interview and because it's YouTube, I have it below:

FAUX also supplies a partial transcript here and this excerpt goes to the heart of Hannity's anxiety:
DOBSON:...But I think it's going to be a division throughout the conservative movement

The "it" is the decision by the Fundies not to support any candidate who isn't strongly anti-abortion.
DOBSON:...Sean, for 35 years, I've been trying to defend the unborn child. And 19 years ago, in 1988, I came to Washington, and there were 400,000 people at the Washington Monument. And I stood up there on that day — we still have it on videotape — where I said, "I pledge hereby never for the rest of my life to vote for anyone who would kill innocent babies."

That's been my life. That's been my belief, along with marriage and the family and the other things. I can't now abandon that because we've got two bad choices here.

As an added bonus, Dobson calls Freddie the Hutt a liar:

DOBSON: Well, Sean, first of all, there are two things that Senator Thompson said there at the beginning that are just flat-out wrong. Maybe he's forgotten. We did not call to apologize for anything.

Finally, here's the deal killer between the Fundies and the GOP:

DOBSON:... But if Rudy Giuliani wins, I'm telling you the pro-life, the pro-family movement is gone.

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