Friday, October 05, 2007


In a pre-emptive post-mortem of the impending collapse of the GOP, David Brooks of the NY Times writes:
Over the past six years, the Republican Party has championed the spread of democracy in the Middle East.
As many others have noted, this "bring Democracy" meme is essentially an excuse for the miserable failure of the Iraq War. As Colin Powell pointed out, the primary motivations for invading were WMD and Al Qaeda, not re-shaping the Middle East.

Marc Armbinder notes that some conservatives have decided to make a strategic retreat to the glory years of Raygun. This will fail for many reasons but I will only note 3 here:

1) Sean Hannity thinks it is a good idea
2) The Raygun years were a bad joke at best
3) The people involved: "former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and conservative activists Brent Bozell and Gary Bauer."

John Cole of Balloon Juice has a nice reply to Brooks that hits a key reason why the GOP has alienated so many:

For starters, people got tired of being associated with these drooling retards. [Jonah Goldberg, Pam of Atlas Shrugs] Then, when they realized that these drooling retards had ideological allies running the show in the Bush administration and then began to experience their idiotic policies, they moved from disgusted to outright hostile.

Like me. It had nothing to do with Burke, and everything to do with what the party had become. A bunch of bedwetting, loudmouth, corrupt, hypocritical, and incompetent boobs with a mean streak a mile long and no sense of fair play or proportion.

There are many people who will follow these idiots, enough to make Fats Limbaugh and Sean Hannity rich and even keep Mark Levin and Tammy Bruce on the air, but it's not enough for a national political party.

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