Tuesday, October 02, 2007


This morning, rat bastard Kyl made an appearance on Slots Bennett's radio show and claimed that the American people KNOW that the GOP is better on national security than the Democrats. That was true at one time but hasn't been so for a while. The WaPo reports that

Democrats hold a big edge over Republicans on health-care issues. Overall, 56 percent said they trust Democrats to handle health care, and 26 percent side
with the GOP.
Democrats also have a greater share of the public trust on other key issues, including Iraq (a 15-point advantage), the economy (18 points) and handling the federal budget deficit (23 points). On the campaign against terrorism, 41 percent put more faith in Democrats, 40 percent in Republicans.

Kyl also came to the defense of Fats Limbaugh by falsely claiming Limbaugh's remarks were taken out of context.

NOTE: For those who don't know, Kyl was and may still be a member of the Council on National Policy, a rabid religious & wingnut group.

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