Friday, October 26, 2007


Christopher Hayes in The Nation points out another manifestation of wingnuttiness: chain e-mails of malicious gossip. Matolchip passed on 2 more I thought had been finally stomped out: 1) The claim that Ollie North told then-Sen. Al Gore that he was afraid of being attacked by Osama bin Laden; 2) Bill Clinton pressured the Israelis into releasing 9-11 hijacker Mohammed Atta.

I think part of the explanation is these all serve to make liberals/Democrats look bad and for some people, that's all the proof they need. Take this crazy from Malkin's site, talking about the religious wackos headed by Fred Phelps:


actually I’d rather see them put on a military transport and dropped off in the center of Baghdad …

they have earned the right to face the enemies of this country …

these people are scum … using religion to hide their leftist hatred for the military while proclaiming their objections have to do with homosexuality …

sorry … don’t see the connection there that would provide a basis for disrupting service personnel’s funerals …

if homosexuality is their complaint how come they weren’t protesting at the Folsom Street Fair … ???? …

what’s that you say ??? … no one with enough guts in the group to face off with anyone that hasn’t left this world ??? …

the truth comes out … fallen heroes can’t fight back … what a bunch of cowardly low-lifes ...

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