Sunday, October 28, 2007


Jonathan Chait points out that the neo-cons don't even believe in the possibility objective social science. This brought to mind Leo Strauss' critique of positivistic social science and of science in general. Chait (p. 247) quotes Irving Kristol accusing modern social scientists of practically being Communists:
Though they continue to speak the language of "progressive reform," in actuality they are acting on a hidden agenda: to propel the nation from that modified version of capitalism we call "the welfare state" toward an economic system so stringently regulated in detail as to fulfill many of the anticapitalist aspirations of the left.

They don't like objectivity because it goes against the Bible (as the Fundies interpret it) and it goes against their worship of the unadulterated free market. They cleverly disguise this contempt and fear of objectivity by accusing the non-wingnuts of lacking objectivity and that makes me recall a rule of thumb stated by a commenter or blogger some years ago: Whatever the wingnuts accuse us of doing, you can be sure they have made it into their standard operating procedure.

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